Hey, is this thing on? Anyone out there? Hopefully someone made it here looking for a recipe or a tip or a laugh. If not, I’m used to talking to myself anyway.

I’m just popping in to say hi and figure out how this whole thing works. It’s the end of a long weekend here and I’m listening to my teenager play minecraft with his girlfriend as I’m writing this. I’m so glad those days are long gone for me. I would not want to be a kid in today’s world. And truthfully, I’m ready for him to go back to school tomorrow. Not a bad mom, just honest. And my sister in law just called me to ask why she didn’t know you could microwave garlic and the skin comes off. I guess she doesn’t watch as much food network as I do? Who knows. She’s my favorite.

Off I go to cry with my therapist- seriously every time- and then get us ready for the week. Do you do that? the laundry, dishes, food prep, backpack, lunch box run around? Oh, just me? Cool.

Anyway- Hi! Take a look around and I hope you stay a while. Or at least let me know how your week prep starts of how you get the skins off garlic. Inquiring minds want to know. It’s me, I’m the inquiring mind.


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